Thursday, 9/19: Welcome Guest Teacher. Shots III.

BEFORE you do any further video shooting or editing, you and your partner must complete the following quiz on a separate sheet of paper and turn it in to the guest teacherLook answers up on the ‘net, and you may collaborate with other pairs.

Yes, it gets graded.

When you are finished, you may edit, BUT CAMERAS ARE OFF-LIMITS, AND YOU MAY NOT LEAVE THE ROOM!



  • 1. The producer is the individual who handles, operates, and trains others on the use of the camera.
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 2. Midshot is the most common view, being the real-world angle that we are all used to. It shows subjects as we would expect to see them in real life. It is a fairly neutral shot.
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 3. The editor creates and edits text, video and effects on video editing machines.
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 4. An aerial shot is an extremely high angle view of a subject usually taken from a crane or a high stationary camera position, but may also refer to a shot taken from an actual airplane or helicopter
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 5. The pan camera movement involves rotating the camera left or right.
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 6. Zoom is technically not a camera move, but a change in the lens focal length with gives the illusion of moving the camera closer or further away.
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 7. Fade in or fade out are transitions between two scenes where the first merges imperceptibly into the second.
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 8. A short publicity film which advertises a film or forthcoming presentations describes what a trailer is all about.
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 9. Final Copy is footage of everything that is captured during a production.
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 10. No tripod available?  No problem…you can use the hand held method in capturing your shot.  Brace yourself and steady as she goes.
    • A. True
    • B. False
  • 11. __________ is the command by a pointed finger to start the action.
  • 12. A __________ camera shot is used when a certain feature or part of the subject takes up the whole frame
  • 13. __________ is the camera movement where the camera moves horizontally with the action.
  • 14. _______ is the camera movement when the camera is moving physically in/out from the scene while recording.
  • 15. The __________ has the job of holding the camera steady and can assist in the camera movements of tilt and pan.
  • 16. When you announce this word as a cameraman you are telling your talent that a recording of footage has stopped.  _________
  • 17. During the editing process,  __________________ are used as effects that take place from one source to another such as fade in, fade out or dissolve.
  • 18. ______ is a change in a camera lens focal length in and out.  It is a measurement of telephoto and wide.
  • 19. _____________ is what a floor director or camera announces when a scene is about to be recorded.
  • 20. ________ is the natural sound that is recorded onto the camera during a shot.  For example, if I was trucking along shooting a cross country runner the sound recorded would probably include him/her breathing, sounds of the feet running and any natural outdoor sounds that are occurring such as wind/birds, etc.
  • 21. Shows some part of the subject in more detail while still giving the impression of the whole subject.
    • A. Full Shot
    • B. Mid Shot
    • C. Long Shot
    • D. Establishing Shot
  • 22. All of the following are floor director/cameraman voice commands except….
    • A. 3,2,1…pointed finger
    • B. Standby
    • C. Cue
    • D. 5,4,
  • 23. This type of conversation shot shoots a profiled (side view) medium two shot of two individuals interacting
    • A. Face to face
    • B. Interviewing
    • C. Two shot
    • D. Over the shoulder
  • 24. This type of camera angle shows the subject from slightly above eye-level, i.e. the camera is angled down towards the subject. This has the effect of diminishing the subject, making them appear less powerful, less significant or even submissive.
    • A. Low Angle
    • B. Bird’s Eye View
    • C. High Angle
    • D. Steep Angle
  • 25. When the camera is acting as the eyes of the subject.
    • A. Acting Eyes
    • B. Eye On
    • C. Point of View
    • D. Over the Shoulder